To create successful marketing and sales outreach strategies with ease, you need to make sure you are giving your audience the right information at the right time in their respective buyer journey.
Your engagement must reflect the type of communication your prospects interact with and the tone they respond to for it to be effective.
Unfortunately, implementing effective strategies is not always straightforward, but by automating your marketing you can help streamline your efforts and make your department more efficient.
Here are the 7 benefits of investing in precise engagement tools:
1. Reduce Staffing Costs
While the initial investment into adopting a new marketing automation system may be high, once it is set up properly it can help you reduce your staffing costs and save you time.
Using marketing automation software, you can set up lead nurturing and marketing campaigns that deliver content across a wide range of channels, automatically based on your specific triggers.
2. Align Sales And Marketing Departments
Precision engagement is a great way to align your sales and marketing departments. Invespcro found that marketing automation can result in a 14.5% increase in sales productivity and a 12.2% reduction in marketing overhead.
Although using a multitude of automation platforms to create a cohesive and coordinated outreach strategy has been a norm for many businesses, converting to a singular platform like Zymplify to automate your marketing and sales processes can help you align both departments’ goals and in turn increase conversion rates.
3. Greater Accountability and Transparency
Setting up automated marketing campaigns not only makes it easier to reach your targets with the right message but it can give you an overview of your company’s pipeline. Understanding where your campaigns may fail gives you the opportunity to change strategies and refocus your engagement efforts.
Full transparency of what works, and what doesn’t is available through the Zymplify reporting dashboard so you can double down on what generates results.
4. Visualise Your Funnel
To successfully engage each segment of your target audience, you need to know what stage of the buyer journey they are at. Creating your engagement strategy around the customer journey allows you to gradually refine how you target and nurture your leads.
Having a visual representation of your buyer funnel will help your team better understand your prospect’s exact stage in their journey and highlight gaps in your strategy at a glance.
5. Nurture Leads
By tracking the success of your automated campaigns, and monitoring your prospects through their buyer journeys you can gauge when they start losing interest in your content or when they become ready to purchase.
Using Zymplify’s precision engagement tools can help you nurture leads and keep your B2B customers satisfied by meeting their expectations. Nurturing your prospects throughout the process will speed up your conversion, and help you turn MQLs into SQLs.
6. Qualify Leads Automatically
Data on your prospects’ online behaviour, their preferred form of content, where they go for information, and what social networks they prefer are essential to inform your marketing strategy and secure qualified leads.
Marketing automation and the results of each of your campaigns can guide your lead scoring and prioritisation, which will save you time on prospecting.
With Zymplify’s precision engagement tools and the integrated reporting software, you can see which pages your leads are looking at in real-time, enabling you to take action in real-time.
7. Retargeting And Remarketing
Maintaining automated precision engagement with customers, helps you develop brand loyalty while continuing to collect valuable data and information on the needs, preferences, and behaviours of your customer base.
This is not only helping you make your future prospect communications more personalised and targeted, but it also allows you to develop a retargeting strategy to boost return sales.
Are you ready to take your engagement to the next level?
With Zymplify, you can take advantage of these 7 benefits and more:
- Create in-depth precise personas to build your campaigns around
- Utilize easy to use, drag and drop campaign and journey builders for successful engagement
- Set up detailed sales cadences
- Report on your progress using accurate, real-time data with built-in reporting
- Save time and money by choosing a single solution for all your prospecting needs.
- Speed up the busy working day and save your team 8 hours or more every week and start prospecting at scale by sending hot leads straight to your sales team from a single platform.
Book a Free no-obligation demo with a Zymplify team member to talk through what the Zymplify Platform can do for you.