You know marketing automation software can provide amazing opportunities for your business and that it can deliver results – fast.
You know it saves time and money, and helps to ensure you have a steady stream of leads for your sales pipeline and sales teams.
Most importantly, you know that marketing automation helps to increase turnover and profit margin.
Now, how do you make a convincing business case for your boss so they understand all of this too and want to invest in marketing automation software to support your objectives?
Here are three key factors for building your case:
1. Know your current costs and the potential savings.
A key one-pager in the report should clearly outline your current marketing expenditure and Return On Investment, including multiple software subscription costs, as well as the cost for managing those resources.
Have you ever calculated the financial cost for the amount of time spent managing multiple marketing platforms and manually nurturing the buyer funnel? We bet it shocks you!
Provide a comparison cost and highlight the financial savings and time savings that could be made by using marketing automation software that is fully integrated across all of your digital platforms.
2. Improve engagement, increase data insights, and increase sales!
- Do you have data everywhere, held by different staff members and stakeholders, and with multiple logins to multiple accounts?
- Does your business understand where all of your customers and prospects are in the buying process?
- Are you losing leads through a leaky sales pipeline?
Automated marketing platforms let you manage all of the data you hold on prospects and customers with ease – in one location – providing a top-level overview that allows you to drill down into the really interesting stuff when you need to. This helps your business increase accountability, make informed decisions, and increase engagement through real-time data that gives you insights into your prospect and customer behaviour.
3. Speed + quality: guaranteed
- Do you have a high input of hard manual work only to receive a low output?
- Is the time logged far outweighing your volume of leads?
- Is it taking months to compile a database, only to realise the quality’s just not there?
Our marketing automation is a guaranteed way to boost your revenue and the value of your prospect generation, simply by switching on the tools which do the hard work for you. Take the pressure off your team and funnel an endless stream of superior prospects into your buying funnel – quickly and continually. Zymplify eradicates manual labour, and in return, delivers hot leads straight to your sales team at the exact moment they’re ready to commit with a purchase.
Whether your current marketing methods work but they’re slow, or your marketing strategy needs a total overhaul, investing in marketing automation software enables you to supercharge the number of qualified leads you generate, accurately track your prospects and customers in a sales pipeline that is bespoke to your business, and ensures you work smarter – not harder – in generating sales and gaining competitive edge.
Are you ready to take your marketing to the next level?
Show your boss how investing in automated marketing software will boost business by helping you find opportunities more quickly and efficiently, which ultimately means supercharged lead generation and sales. Book a chat with our Growth Consultants now and we'll help you get this across the line!
Get Real Leads Real Fast.
Did you know that Zymplify’s one stop system can find prospects for you and warm them up ready for sales. Find out how.