Finding New Prospects: Tactics To Save You Time & Money

The aim of the prospecting game is to locate matched personas identical to your customer base and pipe them through your sales funnel as prospects until they convert into revenue-generating customers.
On paper, it sounds simple enough.

In reality, generating contact information for your prospects, including target industries, names, titles, email addresses and phone numbers, is undoubtedly a time-consuming, thankless and an often-dreary task. But without it, your sales pipeline will dry up.
Somehow, sales and marketers are still wasting their time on old approaches to prospecting, which are full of expired outreach methods that promise to drain your money and leave you with little prospecting potential.
If you’re hindered by outdated prospecting – you’re not alone. 

Out With The Old, In With The New 

Lured in by the appeal of fresh prospects brought in quickly, many companies purchase data lists in order to grow their own databases. And who can blame them? Buying lists can appear attractive, especially by the speed in which you can acquire them.
But we hate to break it to you – these purchased data lists are static, meaning the information starts to degrade rapidly. In other words: you spend a lot of money and receive very little in return. No prospects, just outdated contact logs.
According to Census data, more than 50% of employees change jobs every one to five years, For these lists to be effective, they require repurchasing every year to 18 months.
When you total up the costs, with some data lists costing tens of thousands per year, it’s eye watering.
Prospecting is unavoidable. But that doesn't mean you should stick to a failing method of incomplete data lists, mining multiple platforms or cold calling for hours on end.
With Zymplify, we’ve built the tools to cure the pains of prospecting – for good. No mad expenses. No hours wasted. Only prospect gold delivered straight into your hands.

1. Our LinkedIn Prospector

With a recorded 706+ million registered users (LinkedIn 2020), LinkedIn offers businesses an abundance of information about potential buyers.
If you were to get the full benefits of LinkedIn’s prospecting potential and you didn’t have a LinkedIn prospector tool to aggregate the information, you would be spending months and months of cumulative time scrolling on LinkedIn. Let’s reframe it. That’s months and months of paying staff to trawl LinkedIn. When you couple that with a platform where many users aren’t publicly listing their work email and phone number, then it’s even harder to find the detail you need.
Your results? Painstakingly slow. And did we mention your staff are doing this at a human pace? It’s time to leave LinkedIn prospecting to the robots.
Using Zymplify’s LinkedIn Prospector tool, you can find, attract and engage with your target audience, at scale, and fast. With a few clicks, you can gather your prospect data automatically and we’re sure to find all the contacts details wherever they’re available.
With a powerful search tool, this prime business networking platform can become a hotbed for potential prospects and Zymplify can help you dig even deeper into finding them.

2. Our Website Intent

What if we told you Zymplify can turn your anonymous website visits into actionable insights? No more staring at the dashboard of your website and seeing only numbers!
Our Website Intent tool gives you access to an invaluable log of contact info for the people visiting your website. Using our tool, you can turbo-charge your lead generation and identify sales leads you didn’t know you had. 

3. Our Intent Signals

Strike when the iron is hot with our Intent Signals tool. We can help your sales team identify relevant companies and contacts based entirely on their intent. Of course, this is no new phenomenon – but what we do make new is how truly valuable your intent data becomes when these signals are heard away from your website or landing pages.
Our Intent Signals puts your ear to the ground for any potential customers who are talking to your competitors, attending events or trade shows, taking new positions in companies of interest, discussing topics relating to your business or searching for relevant products or services.
Our Intent Signals give you the means to focus your outbound efforts on prospects who are already actively shopping for your product or service, so you can earmark their potential in your bank of blossoming prospects.

4. Our G2 Intent

Through Zymplify’s G2 Intent tool, you can harness the power of high tech’s best-known review site and discover company and contact profile information of people who are actively researching your industry, competitors, or your company profile on G2.

5. Our Domain Prospector

Our Domain Prospector tool will help your team save time and still deliver the prospecting goods. Using a target list of companies, complete with their website domain, from an event or an alternative source, you can upload it into Zymplify’s platform and we will reveal their contact level information, including names and email addresses.

6. Our Data Summary 

Using our Data Summary tool, our dashboard helps you build a timeline of where and when your prospects are being brought into your funnel, so you can prioritise your prospects and dedicate your focus to the prospects most likely to become customers.
Zymplify gives you all of the tools you need to identify, make contact with, and close new prospects – and did we mention FAST? 
Once your prospecting data is in your dashboard, you can send your prospects on automated journeys, add them to remarketing lists or send them straight to your sales team – all through one platform.
Our smart prospecting tools do the hard work for you, so you can stop wasting time on unproductive prospecting and maximize your sales.
Sound good? Then get in touch! We can arrange a trial demo so you can put our prospecting tools into play and see the benefits first-hand.

Supply Your Sales Team With A List Of Hot Prospects. Fast.

Imagine if you could supply your team with a list of prospects who had been engaging with your competitors? With Buyer Intent Signals you can

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