Meet the Team: Head of Business Consulting in Belfast

Here’s another instalment of our Meet the Team series for you, and this week, we’re chatting to Becky, our Head of Business Consulting in Belfast. As always, we love showcasing our staff, as we’re really proud to have such a vibrant team that are passionate about Zymplify.

Keep reading to find out a little more about Becky…

What is your position at Zymplify?

Head Of Business Consulting in Belfast.

How long have you worked here?

One Year.

What does a typical day at Zymplify Belfast involve?

My day is usually very busy but I always start the morning off with a coffee and catching up on emails, any new leads and making my to-do list.

I then will meet with some clients, maybe current clients, potential clients or new business partners from around the City (Belfast) I try to meet with as many people as possible and discuss how Zymplify and marketing automation could grow their business and make life more simple in many ways.

I will also attend some key networking events around the city and we are members of NI and Belfast Chamber of Commerce, Women in Business and Network B2B so I try to make it to as many of the events as I can and would potentially speak at some events as well as hosting our events here at River House.

What do you enjoy the most about your job

I enjoy being busy and in the buzz of the city. I love to meet new people and I am genuinely passionate about the product that we offer and enjoy watching how Zymplify can drive Businesses and take them to the next level. We have a great team here at Zymplify and we all enjoy working together on the next big thing. I love being involved with departments and always getting to learn new things.

I love to see the campaigns that we launch via the platform bring new business and leads, and watching the success of all the different components come together

I am very lucky to have lovely offices here at River House where I can bring my clients and enjoy meetings/ demos/ workshops and events in such a lovely setting

What’s the most challenging part?

Time. Time is definitely a challenge, I have so many things I’d like to fit into my day. Events I’d like to host, events I’d like to attend, people I’d like to meet but I have to remember there’s only 24 hours in one day and there’s always tomorrow.

What kind of skills do you think you need to succeed in Digital Marketing?

For me, I think you need to be forward thinking, creative and determined. Three key elements to making marketing automation successful.

I also think you need to be keen to learn and develop your own skills as the world of digital marketing is forever growing.

Quick Fire Questions – pick one or the other:

Chocolate or Crisps?


Wine or beer?


Summer or Winter?  


Facebook or Instagram?


iOS or Android?


New clothes or new phone?

New Phone

Football or Rugby?


Online shopping or shopping in store?


Housecoat or dressing gown?


Tea or Coffee?


Read more from Becky in Business First here.

More from Zymplify

What is a content strategy and how do you create one?

The development of Zymplify

NEW LAUNCH: Zymplify 3.0

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