Chances are if you’re reading this, you’re involved in some way with the marketing world – or, at least, have some kind of connection to it. And, because of that, chances are you’ve heard or come across the term inbound marketing. Inbound marketing has been around for a long time, but it’s only in the last few years that it’s really picked up steam and been slapped with a name. It’s actually doing the rounds at the moment, which has left a lot of people wondering exactly what it is and how it can help their business.
Ask anyone to name a few traditional marketing methods, and you’ll likely get answers like TV ads, print ads, billboards, and cold calling. These methods all have something in common: they’re outbound marketing methods. That is, they involve the marketer actively reaching out to consumers in the hopes that they can persuade them to buy through a pretty picture or a sales-y phone call. All of the old-fashioned methods rely on us pushing our message out, whereas inbound marketing does the opposite. It’s the act of creating content that draws consumers in and brings them to us.