The Top 5 Pixels You Need on Your Website Right Now

Is your website on point? That’s probably a question you’ve read countless times on blogs like this, but what does it actually mean? It’s so vague and all encompassing that beginning to review your website has become a very daunting task indeed. There’s so much to consider, brand consistency, SEO, navigation, calls to action, visitor tracking to name just a few – where do you even start?

Luckily for you Zymplify is here to help, in this blog we’re going to focus on what are the most essential pixels/pieces of code to have on your website to enhance the user experience and turn your website into a lead magnet. But before you run away screaming this is NOT a technical guide, you don’t need to be a coder or developer to add these codes but if that’s not you, your developer will be happy to help (or even give us a call, seriously!)

We’ve picked out the top 5 pixels/pieces of code that we believe all websites should have as standard. The options below are also ones we use ourselves, so what are you waiting for?

Google Analytics –

Undoubtedly the original tracking code and an absolute must for all websites. This code is FREE and gives you great insight into your website traffic. If you’re not tracking your website activity how can you possibly aim to improve it? Once you have it set up here’s the top metrics to look for:

User demographics and Interests
Most popular content and top exit pages
Traffic source

Remarketing Pixels

Everyone actually knows what remarketing is even if you think you don’t! Have you ever been looking for a new pair of shoes or some golf clubs and then a few days later you’ve been browsing the web or social media and you see an ad for the very thing you were looking for a few days ago, spooky right? Not really, marketers are using remarketing pixels to store information about your visiting habits and then using that information to serve you with a relevant ad. It’s actually very considerate when you think about it!

So how does it actually work, first you need an add account in Google, Facebook or LinkedIn etc and these are free to set up (although, obviously the ads aren’t!). Each platform will have a remarketing pixel that you can add to your website and when people visit your site they’ll be added to a remarketing list and it’s these lists that you use to send those tailored ads to. The information can be stored in these lists for months so even if digital ads aren’t part of your short term strategy it’s still worth getting the pixels on your site and growing the potential audience for when you do decide to launch ads.
Chatbot –

Chatbots are a great way of encouraging engagement and providing an unique user experience. There are basically automated decision trees that serve specific content based on how a user interacts with them.

For example a chatbot on your homepage could ask “what are you looking for today” and offer links to specific areas of the website to help users get to where they need to go faster. We don’t see chatbots as a replacement for live chat options, even in this current climate where you might be scaling back staff and resources, but more of an accompaniment.

Live Chat –

You’ve probably used live chat already this week, I know I have when I was trying to sort out a problem with my internet! The question is if you’ve used live chat before and DON’T have it on your website, then why not?

Live chat is perfect for this current climate because prospects will be taking longer to make decisions and they’ll be doing more research. Don’t just let them blindly bounce around your website, interact with them, ask them if you can help – the human touch goes a long way. Don’t worry if you can’t be online all the time, you can set operating times and the live chats will also store engagements for you to review when you can so nothing gets missed.

Zymplify’s tracking code –

Ok we couldn’t talk about website pixels without shamelessly promoting ourselves, afterall it’s our blog!

The Zymplify tracking code goes further than Google Analytics, we track and store a users IP address. This allows us to do the following:

Identify which company the visit came from and give you that information.
Use the company information to reveal contact records, which turns your anonymous web visitors into leads in real time.
Provide a time-stamped overview of what a prospect has been doing on your website.
Serve pop-ups that cannot be blocked by any browser settings.

Sounds too good to be true, right? It’s not and what’s more it’s only a small part of our platform, our website visitor tracking combines with our demand and nature tools to help you turn prospects into leads and leads into the sales at scale. Sorry for the hard sell to finish with but we’re really passionate about creating unique users experience and we want to share these tips with you.

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