What does your website look like on a mobile device?

Mobile marketing

social media and lead generation

What your website looks like on a mobile device is incredibly important in 2019. Did you know that mobile devices drive 80% of global internet usage?

If you haven’t already, you need to check what your website looks like on a mobile device. Not surprisingly, another recent study revealed 57% of users said they wouldn’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site. The last thing you want is to spend lots of time, effort and money building a website that’s not mobile responsive. It’s a total waste of time, effort and money.

Google will now give preference to mobile-optimised sites and when you are considering SEO. Therefore, it’s vital for marketers to keep mobile devices at the forefront of their marketing strategy and try to create a mobile experience that equals or improves upon the desktop experience. You do not want to miss out on potential lead generation opportunities.

Buying habits

Consumers worldwide research products on mobile devices before they buy them. You will not want to lose out to your competitors because you don’t have a website that’s been optimised for mobile devices.

In the states, mobile-influenced offline spending is already over $1 trillion and 90% of smartphone owners will use their phone while making a purchase in ‘bricks and mortar’ store.

When people search on their mobile device for local information, 78% of the time it results in a purchase, which is higher than from any other kind of device. When people do search on mobile, it tends to lead to action. 92% of those who searched on their phone made a related purchase.


There is an app for pretty much every social media platform, business or service on the planet. 50% of the time individuals spend on digital media is on mobile apps, however, they tend to use the same ones again and again.

Despite the millions of apps available in the Google Play store, the Apple App Store, Windows and Amazon stores, people tend to only use a few daily. The average number is 9 used per day and 30 apps monthly.

To ensure you are giving your customer or client the best possible shopping/browsing experience, you need to have a fully functioning app which works well and at a fast speed.

Writing for mobile

Writing content for a desktop is different than writing for mobile devices and you need to approach it with a new and improved strategy. Screens are much smaller on a mobile device; therefore, you must consider the text font and keep large chunks of text to a minimum.Try to break up text with subheadings, bullet points and images and/or audio or video content. Ensure the text is clear and concise, mobile users want to read easy-to-digest information. Make the text as visual as possible and use infographics where you can. They are a great way to showcase facts, figures and statistics and it will be easier to understand for the reader.

Why you need to consider mobile marketing

Experts have said that mobile devices drive 80% of global internet usage, being the most dominant platform for searchers as 48% of the buyers use smartphones to start searching with a search engine.

Google drives 96% of mobile search traffic, and it prefers mobile-optimised websites rather than those which aren’t.

87% of Facebook’s advertising revenue comes from mobile devices and in 2017, mobile devices accounted for 61.9% of Google’s paid-search clicks, up from 53% in 2016.

Lots of companies have integrated mobile marketing into their overall marketing strategy, with many believing mobile marketing is the core of their business.

More from Zymplify on website marketing

Optimise your website for lead generation 

How to generate leads with clever digital marketing 



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