Workbenches & Chat

Get more work done, together

Make decisions quicker with real-time data and metrics, customised for your business. With easy-to-use team collaboration tools that allow you to work with your entire team, from one single place.


Build custom workbenches on key metrics & data

With 300+ widgets, we have everything you need to build your core workbenches.

Quickly identify trends and areas for improvement for your sales, marketing and customer success strategies.

Intelligent Collaboration

View progress at glance

Workbenches provide teams with a shared view and understanding of tasks and progress enabling everyone to work towards the same goal. 

Data-driven tools allow you to track key metrics and results so nothing ever falls through the cracks. 

With Zymplify, teams can maximise their potential, working faster and smarter together.

Team Chat

Discuss what is important, and don't miss a beat

Zymplify supports your team’s growth at scale, with our team chat tool.

  • Unlimited team chats
  • Unlimited messages
  • Instant platform notifications

Have the important conversations in real-time, integrated seamlessly into the platform.

Streamline Your Processes

Work more productively with your team

Encouraging teams to seamlessly work together, collaborate and drive revenue. 

From workbenches, team chats, planning tools – you have everything to collaborate successfully as a team.

Everything You Need Under One Roof

The tools you need, when you need them

All the tools at your fingertips.

With Zymplify workbenches & chats, your team communication is visible, transparent and efficient.

Latest Resources

Zymplify finds your business qualified prospects who are in-market buyers, gives you a complete toolkit to connect with them and close sales at speed. It puts you in full control.
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